Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Ts and Bs

There is probably more pseudoscientific nonsense extant (meaning on the internet and talk TV) involving the workings of the human immune system than there is about any other human body system. The worst include incredibly bizarre and anti-scientific information pushed about "food allergies" and the truly dangerous misinformation about vaccines, but there is much more.
The immune system is beautifully evolved and very logical. The system is at its peak activity from conception to puberty, and it is during this time that the stage is set for how we will respond to foreign bodies and pathogens--as well as to our own tissues!--for the rest of our lives. Contrary to the lies spread by the vaccine monsters, it is during childhood that the immune system is most able to deal with these potential harms, and build up the defense for later. Children who are irrationally kept from vaccination are more more likely to die, and be responsible for the death of others, than those that are vaccinated. The lies that supposedly linked vaccines to autism have been thoroughly discredited. And as for the bogosity surrounding "food allergies"--don't get me started! (Just one example: gluten sensitivity is a genetic disorder, not an allergy.)

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