Monday, November 14, 2011

The proverbial two edged sword

We are a Goldilocks organism--things can't be too hot or too cold.
Such is the case with the processes that attack and work to eliminate invaders.
When they work "just right" we are protected; if they are too slow, weak, or "cold" we suffer from invasion, usually infections. However, when they are too "hot" we can suffer irreparable damage to our tissues.
Chronic inflammation is one of the mechanisms leading to autoimmune disorders, coronary artery disease, kidney failure, and a host of other conditions associated with the aging process, including cancer.
How to help? There are no magic cures or quick remedies.
Do those things that are DOCUMENTED to assist the immune system: eat right and in moderation(not based on fads); ESchew tobacco; get enough sleep; avoid chronic stress (acute stress is actually beneficial--such episodes keep our system on its physiologic toes!); wash your hands (and body) often; get sufficient exercise; take an aspirin a day if you are over 40 and non-allergic; and maintain your preventive care cycle.
What does not help?
Anti-oxidants (they can actually increase the damage); excessive intake of vitamins; immoderate alcohol consumption; a sedentary lifestyle; using the Internet as your doctor; relying on anecdotes and pseudoscience (like the anti-vaccine nuts); and wishful thinking.
You can do a lot to make things just right with your immune system.
And if you do, like Goldilocks, your sleep will be peaceful!

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