Thursday, January 10, 2013

Little Big Macs?

I would wager that most laypersons think (with foodie and nutrition-quackers reinforcement) that when you eat a Big Mac what is absorbed are a bunch of little Big Macs.

WRONG!! The fact that foodies and pseudo-nutritionists promote this thinking by ignoring actual physiology is their attempt to sell their stuff rather than educate. They are scientifically illiterate!

In fact, the entire process of DIGESTION is only preliminary to the REAL show, which is ABSORPTION. The former takes complex nutrients and breaks them down into their molecular components (amino acids, free fatty acids, and monosaccharides) . THESE are absorbed and then RE-ASSEMBLED by human cells into substances that can be used by the human body.

Complex proteins (hear me, weight lifters!) do NOT go directly from mouth to muscle; they MUST be broken down into amino acids first. These in turn can be used to replenish muscle proteins.

Foods do not "burn fat"--they can only create it! (More on that another time, Oz, you shyster!)

Humans have evolved an effective and efficient process whereby we can be maximally omnivorous. Should we be in the un-envious position of ONLY being able to eat Big Macs (as pandas can only eat bamboo and koalas can only eat eucalyptus) we would be nutritionally even unhappier than we are.

Ingest, digest, and ABSORB!

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