Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Physics first....

Physics is the study of matter and energy.
Historically, the sciences were studied "biology first", probably because biology is so "obvious". In addition, the "real" nature of the physical universe was not understood until the relationship between matter and energy was elucidated by Einstein and others in the early 20th century.
Over the past 20 years a movement within scientific pedagogy has developed that rightly teaches physics first. The nature of matter and its relationship with energy is the foundation of scientific understanding; that builds "up" into chemistry, which in turn allows biology to be understood as never before.
The basis for our studies in human biology is, in fact, physics.
Most people think physics is "hard"; it is, in fact, quite simple. Atoms, molecules, chemicals, cells, organisms--it's natural!

1 comment:

  1. Because of Human Curiosity, Curiosity? one main ingredient necessary for the completion of Human Evolution. Human Will, together with the insane drive for survival, chiseled away, carved into existence, sculpturing developmental stages that lead to healthy thinking.

    The roots or origins all of these elements of Nature; atoms, molecules, chemicals, cell, organisms, where created by cooperatively by the events of Nature, presented by the energy of the Sun and the affect by the forces of the Moon.

    The rays of our Sun along with the stirring of primal ooze, a liquid form, elements stimulated by Cycles of Movement by the Moon.

    Both combination, the bombardment of Sun, and the momentum of the Moon stimulated all life and gave birth to Humanity, imagine that, that's the truth, the only truth, so help Humanity.
